Restaurant Reviewer

Ichiban Shushi Buaran Plaza, Jakarta
When entering the restaurant, guests who eat is not too crowded because it is past lunch hour. A male staff member comes from inside restaurant. Upon seeing us, he smiled pleasantly and invited us in, very professional. me and my friends chose the menu available on every table.
The food is delicious, especially the Shusi with salmon and various other types of seafood. My order was served with salmon with eggs wrapped in seaweed, and crabmeat made into shushi's own contents. The taste of delicious shusi was fit. Hot or cold Ocha drinks can be refilled.
The place is comfortable, nice to get together with family or close friends. Unfortunately wifi access is not available and the price is also not cheap. But in terms of food quality, taste and presentation no doubt. Highly recommended

Warung Es Masuk Solo, Jawa Tengah

Warung Es Masuk located on Jalan Kratonan (direction to Solo Baru). The food menu at warung es masuk is very complete, In here, you can find almost all traditional food such as timlo, Solo strait, sun soup, pickled tofu, ferment asem, gudeg, rice langgi, gado-gado, soto, rice liwet, rice sambal tumpang, rawon rice, pecel rice, lontong opor, etc.
At the table are also provided various kinds of side dishes and snacks such as Solo sausage, tofu bacem, satay offal (tripe, chicken intestine, etc.), quail eggs quail, and many others. For drinks available various kinds of mixed ice, fruit juice, and also traditional Javanese drinks such as rice kecir, turmeric asem, sugar asem, dawet basil, and wedang tape.
Eating at Warung Es Masuk is more fun because you can while listening to the music keroncong played directly by the musicians. You can order your favorite songs and do not forget to give voluntary money just as a form of appreciation for them.


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